COVID-19 Clinical Research Site Feasibility Assessment


Since the Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Janssen COVID-19 vaccines were authorized for emergency use by the US FDA, millions of people in the United States have been vaccinated. However, finding reputable and high-quality sites for new Covid-19 vaccine and drug clinical trials can be a significant challenge. As the COVID-19 vaccine becomes more widely available in the West, new trials are facing challenges in meeting their enrolment targets. As a result, more clinical trials are being shifted to the global south, with sponsors determined to meet ambitious development timelines looking towards internal sites, including Africa. The traditional pre-COVID-19 approaches to clinical site assessment are not keeping up with the increase in Covid-19 trial complexities observed across the industry. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has introduced unique challenges at clinical sites and highlighted new barriers to performance at previously high-performing international [...]

COVID-19 Clinical Research Site Feasibility Assessment2023-03-24T23:10:30+00:00

Why Conduct Clinical Research in Africa


Why conduct clinical research in Africa? Despite the region bearing a significantly higher disease burden, Africa has been marginalized from the mainstream scientific community. Africa presents a unique opportunity for groundbreaking advancements in scientific research, particularly in clinical research for new vaccines and treatments. McKinsey & Company estimates Africa's pharmaceutical market size will grow to $65 billion by 2020.Why Conduct Clinical Research in Africa?Clinical research is essential in developing new medicines and treatments, and their impact can be felt worldwide. However, there is a significant need for clinical trials to be conducted in regions with high disease burdens, such as Africa. The advantages of conducting clinical trials in Africa are vast and can have a far-reaching impact on healthcare provision and patient outcomes in the continent.1. High Disease BurdenClinical research in Africa can lead to progress in developing new medicines. [...]

Why Conduct Clinical Research in Africa2023-03-25T02:21:30+00:00

Leveraging Ebola Preparedness for COVID-19 Trials


The COVID-19 pandemic has been a global challenge that has impacted almost every aspect of life. The pandemic has presented unique challenges in Africa, including limited resources and infrastructure. However, Africa has faced similar challenges in the past with the Ebola outbreak, which has prepared the continent to respond to pandemics effectively. Leveraging Ebola preparedness for COVID-19 trials can enable pharmaceutical industry sponsors and researchers to complete time-sensitive COVID-19 clinical trials. Importance of Leveraging Ebola Preparedness for COVID-19 trials. The Ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2014-2016 presented a significant challenge, but it also served as a turning point in the continent's preparedness for pandemics. The outbreak highlighted the need for the continent to build robust health systems and improve emergency preparedness and public health response. The lessons learned from the Ebola outbreak have become invaluable in Africa's [...]

Leveraging Ebola Preparedness for COVID-19 Trials2023-10-13T19:12:35+00:00
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